Saturday, March 14, 2009

Oh really?

This here blog thing is more difficult than it appeaars. It helps if you can think clearly and write coherently. Sometimes I wonder if I can do either..It takes a good bit of attention to write more than two or three sentences on a given topic. It also helps to have something worth while to say that might even be understood by the reader.

That being said... 5/16 of my family is travelling to CA as I write. I so much enjoy their presence that it puts me in a funk when they go away for awhile. Since I am sort of retired at the moment and my wife is still working that leaves me at home alone all day. This is not my favorite circumstance. I get energized being with people and my family in particular. I know that I will look even more forward to the time my wife gets home from her teaching job.. The travellers have only been gone a few hours...


Sally said...

What you do say is well thought out and unless you make a typo, it makes sense...

TimB said...

Too bad I can't come up and visit y'all for a little while. Aidan said he missed the "mustache grandpa".